Support Katie Powderly

Katie Powderly is a folk singer/songwriter from Madison, Wisconsin – and she needs your help. She sold all her belongings and will move into an RV („Wohnmobil“ in German), her plans are to tour the US in this RV to support the release of her new album Slips of the Tongue. We’ve been introduced to her music via a friend – and now want to introduce her to you all: Check out her music on her Web site and then help spread the word, like her on facebook, subscribe to her tweets, forward her videos on vimeo or youtube, or even go on kickstarter and help her make the tour happen. Support independent music …

Photo: Mick Mckiernan
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Eine Antwort auf Support Katie Powderly

  1. Patrick Van de Wille sagt:

    And check out her 30-minute live performance, with my friend Ben Wolf on drums.

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