What an amazing trip it was through this walking contradiction called America – beautiful and strange at the same time, it will certainly take some time to digest it all. So now I’m headed to the airport – unfortunately alone, since the travel agency made a mistake which is why Angelika and Dumpty will only be able to fly back Saturday.
But even though our road trip has come to an end, this blog hasn’t – for we will keep it alive to further update you on the wonderland project – and once they’re ready you will definitely see the first exhibition pictures here as well. But more about this once we’re back in Germany …
Euer „Tagebuch“ war spannend zu lesen – hat Spass gemacht. Und gespannt sind wir auf die Ausbeute der visuellen Eindrücke, Besonderheiten und Erlebnisse.
Wir sehen uns auf der nächsten Ausstellung. ; )