Important Shit

Boston, Massachussetts, is one of the oldest cities in America, a place where this country’s history was shaped and some of its founding fathers are buried, like Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Robert Treat Paine, where the Tea Party took place and Paul Revere made his famous midnight ride. Or, in the words of a young American, who was obviously showing the city to some friends:  „Important shit“- she was talking about the Freedom Trail.

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The people in Maine

As we are making our way further south on the New England coast we are still thinking about the wonderful people in Maine – like painter Janice Rosenfeld, who agreed to a spontaneous interview in a small shop in Lubec. Or Dave, who showed us a way to Blueberry fields and scenic routes, even though we didn’t have the time anymore to explore them. Tom Mofford, who just started a conversation on this street corner in Bath – we sat and talked for a little while before a short but heavy rain shower forced us to run for shelter. Or Dan Jones, Donna & Vince … so apart from Maine being an absolutely beautiful state, it’s the people that make it such a special place.

Tom Mofford

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Driving down the New England coast

Leaving Maine we were driving down the New England coast in bright sunshine wondering about the beauty of the mansions on the one side and the rather cheap and overcrowded version of mass tourism on the other … – guess you have to find the middle ground. As these two did, somewhere, right next to the ocean.

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Almost like family

Lubec’s Inn at the Anchorage is probably the best secret b&b in this town – secret, because they don’t advertise, they don’t even have a Web site. And best, because Donna & Vince are creating a family atmosphere – including delicious banana bread and muffins, magic tricks and a fun dice game. So should you ever make it to Americas easternmost city in the north of Maine, be sure to check in at 18 Main Street.

Thank you for the wonderful time …

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The best angle on the presidents summer residence

Franklin D. Roosevelt used to spend his vacation on the little Canadian island of Campobello – and today you can visit the Roosevelt residence, see how Eleanor used to call kids and guests when dinner was ready, generally get an idea about how they used to live. And the park administration takes good care of you there, even making sure you get the best possible shot of the house …


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Lubec, Maine, incorporated 1811

Lubec in Maine is the easternmost town in the continental United States, just a stone’s throw away from Canada’s Campobello Island – and according to its history Web site, it was named after the German town Lübeck: „…“Lubeck” as it was spelled in the Act of Incorporation, included Dudley, Frederic, Mark and Rogers Islands. It was reported that Jonathan Weston suggested the name for one of the German free cities because of its shape, location and the fact that trading was as “free” as anywhere in the country. A warrant for the first Town Meeting was issued on July 7, 1811.“ So Lubec just celebrated its bicentennial … – happy belated Birthday!

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Enjoying authentic Asian food in Belfast, Maine

Dan Jones always wanted to live on a farm, so he and his girlfriend Salika left Connecticut and moved to Maine. Now they have a farm – and the Laan Xang Cafe, located in the historic downtown of Belfast, Maine, overlooking Penobscot Bay, where they serve authentic Vietnamese, Thai and Laotian food. Delicious! And some of the dishes can be served vegan …

And yes, Belfast in Maine is the sister city of Belfast in Northern Ireland – in case you were wondering – and it is a wonderful small town.

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The view from Cadillac Mountain

When the sun rises in America, you should be on the top of Cadillac Mountain. Which is in the Acadia National Park in Maine – on most days of the year this is where the first rays of the morning sun touch American soil. Not so today though …

I guess you can’t always be lucky.

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Private property

A land so vast and free – or so it seems when crossing America. Not for long though: no trespassing, private property. This will hit you almost everywhere you go, vastness is limited – to boardwalks, roads and official trails.

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Gorham, NH, is good for skiing

Most visitors come to Gorham, NH, in the summer. But this little town located in the White Mountain region is actually a great destination for skiing which is why Bruno Janicki came here about 15 years ago. Now he and his wife Mary Ann are running the Colonial Fort Inn – Hikers Paradise – a perfectly nice, comfortable, clean and budget friendly place to spend the night, where you can also get a good breakfast the next morning. Oh and BTW, Hikers Paradise is for sale, so if you’re dreaming about getting into the motel business …


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