Of Trust and Doubt

In the Extended version of his excellent blog Conscientious Joerg Colberg writes about trust and doubt in photography – trust that your image shows what you want it to show and the remaining doubt that there could be more. „To see the photograph, to take it, and to then know that what was there to be taken has in fact been taken. But doubt interjects, knowing that while what might have been taken has been taken, what was seen could have been seen in a different way. Trust is centered on the realization that one is a good photographer. But there is the doubt, the constant asking whether one might not become a better photographer.“

Read the essay here

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In its own words Flak Photo is an online photography channel that presents the work of artists, curators, bookmakers and photo organizations to a global audience of people who are passionate about visual culture.“ Produced by Andy Adams flak photo most of all is a fantastic place to discover good photography and in January 2012 I was very happy to see one of my pictures being chosen for its „Winter Feature“.

Even though the feature came to an end you can still find my Farmland near Dorf Pries in The Collection, next to the beautiful work of other photographers. So if you’re out discovering new photography, flakphoto.com is a great place to go – and come back since The Collection is updated five times a week. And should you be interested in discussing photography even further or finding out about new photography books, check out Flak Photo Network or Flak Photo Books on facebook.

See you there.

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wonderland online

Production, selection, reviewing, more editing – and now it’s done: today we framed the images for the first wonderland exhibition starting February 13th here in Kiel, Germany. And you can get an idea on my Web site www.andreasok.com

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Back in the high life …

Well, after a time of blogging silence we’re now back in the game. The last months were spent on selecting and editing and since now the first wonderland exhibition is about to open in my home town Kiel, Germany (more details soon), it’s time to revitalize this platform.

And extend its purpose. What started as an online diary of a road trip through America will now be morphed into a regular blog, posting not only news related to the wonderland project but also to other stuff we do, publish, work on … .

But I will also take the liberty to talk about interesting topics and things (probably mostly related to photography, but not only), point you towards other peoples work, sites and publications.


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Print versus digital

The new book Monalisen der Vorstädte / Mona Lisas of the Suburbs is one of the best arguments for viewing photography in print – Ute & Werner Mahler’s work, beautifully published by Meier und Müller, comes to life in a way unachievable in the world between 0 and 1. Which doesn’t mean I’m against digital and viewing images online or on tablets and such, not at all. But seeing work in a book so carefully produced adds another quality level to it – so I encourage you to find out for yourselves. What an inspiration for us to work on making our wunderland I wonderland book happen …

Ute Mahler & Werner Mahler · MONALISEN DER VORSTÄDTE
ISBN 978-3-00-035371-0
Meier und Müller
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Back home

Now that we all made it back home – Angelika and Dumpty also arrived on the weekend – we’re starting the work preparing for the exhibition due to open early next year. So all films are currently being developed and once that’s done the selection process will take place, which will take some time as you might imagine. But rest assured we will post first images as soon as we can, so watch this space …

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Monalisen der Vorstädte / Mona Lisas of the Suburbs

Ute Mahler and Werner Mahler are two of Germany’s most famous photographers – and co-founders of the photographers agency Ostkreuz. They are now publishing their beautiful project Monalisen der Vorstädte / Mona Lisas of the Suburbs with Meier und Müller – here’s a short video introduction:


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There’s a new online photography magazine called timemachine which I found via Conscientious. Check their first issue focussing on „home“ … – interesting.


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Photo + Art Book Hamburg

Back in Germany just in time to go see what’s happening at the Photo+Art Book Hamburg’11. There will be publishers, exhibitions, workshops, all in all a great place to get some more inspiration for starting the work on our wonderland I wunderland book …

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Goodbye America

What an amazing trip it was through this walking contradiction called America – beautiful and strange at the same time, it will certainly take some time to digest it all. So now I’m headed to the airport – unfortunately alone, since the travel agency made a mistake which is why Angelika and Dumpty will only be able to fly back Saturday.

But even though our road trip has come to an end, this blog hasn’t – for we will keep it alive to further update you on the wonderland project – and once they’re ready you will definitely see the first exhibition pictures here as well. But more about this once we’re back in Germany …

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