LBM Dispatch #1 Ohio

„Oh, Ohio
Seems like
A dream to me now
Newspapers in an empty basket
I know
All will show
I wrote your name
Upon a paper bag
Brown today
Green tomorrow

And green doesn’t matter
Yeah green doesn’t matter
And I hear that the word is out
And a dog’s gotta do what a dog’s gotta do …“

I’m thinking of the words in Ohio, the beautiful Lambchop song, while looking and reading through LBM’s Dispatch #1 Ohio. They say that the „… LBM Dispatch is an irregularly published newspaper of the North American ramblings of photographer Alec Soth and writer Brad Zellar.“ And they say this #1 is about them traveling through a dozen towns and cities throughout Ohio in search of community life.

Well, I say Ohio is a treat – the photography, the sequencing, the writing. Made me subscribe to future issues of the Dispatch … maybe you should too? Have a look – here


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